Welcome to the neighborhood

The Dalton Woods Homeowners’ Association welcomes you to the neighborhood and our public Website. Situated in Marion County Florida adjacent to Southeast Ocala and the Forest High School, Dalton Woods is known for its abundance of trees and quiet residential setting. Our 160 owners pride themselves in the friendly neighborhood we enjoy.
This website keeps you informed in the various areas that effect our community. Within these pages you will find a wealth of information about Dalton Woods, as well as a means of easily communicating with your Board and property management company. Please feel free to explore our site and provide suggestions on how to improve it.
On a day-to-day basis, Leland Management manages the property at the direction of the homeowner’s association board of directors. They can be reached at Contact.
Below is some information about our neighborhood.
● 2022 Approved Budget
HOA Board
Dalton Woods has an active volunteer Board of homeowners within the development. We have various committees as well so if you’d like to get involved, please contact the HOA President. (Contact information for the Board members and our Management Company is available on the website.)
Annual HOA Dues
Each homeowner is responsible for paying dues in January of each year. Our dues notice is mailed in December of the previous year so look for it in the mail. The HOA has a Late Fee and Collection Policy published on the website and is available upon request. You can expect a late fee to be added to your payment if it is not received on time.
Community Government
Dalton Woods is a deed restricted community that is governed by recorded Covenants and Restrictions. All homeowners are responsible for reading and following the C&R’s. The purchase of your home in Dalton Woods means you are a member of the Association and have accepted responsibility to abide by the C&R’s. They can be found on our website.
We have a volunteer Board of homeowners overseeing the development. Homeowners are given written warning if a C&R violation occurs and given a timeframe to resolve the issue. If a violation is not resolved, a fine will be assessed. The fines target covenant infractions that have a direct correlation to home values and consistency of architecture. It is not the desire of the Board to fine a homeowner however, violations which affect property values or the neighborhood appearance must be resolved in a timely manner. Fines are in place to provide motivation to resolve the issue.
Owner Improvements
We encourage you to make improvements to your home and lot. They increase the value of your property and enhances our neighborhood.
Before making your improvements the Architectural Review Board must review and approve your plans . We are proud of our trees in Dalton Woods so you must also have ARB approval before removing live trees. All of these things are explained in the ARB Standards and Guidelines found on the website. Fences, sheds, changing house color, home additions and pools with enclosures are among the most common improvements that require approval.
Community Services
Florida Express Environmental
460 NW 52nd Ave, Ocala, FL 34482,
is the required trash hauler, including recycling and yard waste,
Duke Energy is the electrical provider.
There are several options for television, internet and telephone services.
Our drinking water is provided by
Marion County Utilities
11800 FL-25A,
Belleview, FL 34420
(352) 307-6000